Distracted Driving Updates Archives | EndDD

dianne anderson photo still from video

Toolkit for #DriveSafeForMom

We Want Teens to Drive Safely and Give Their Moms the Best Gift Ever for Mother’s Day We asked hundreds of moms what they want for Mother’s Day and they responded overwhelmingly: “We Want Our Children to Promise to Make Safe Driving Choices, Including Driving Without Distraction.” In focus groups we asked teens what was


Accepting Journalists’ Entries for the 2023 Casey Feldman Transportation Safety Reporting Award

EndDD.org, a project of the Casey Feldman Foundation, is pleased to announce that we are accepting entries until September 1, 2023 for the second annual Casey Feldman Award for Transportation Safety Reporting. The award recognizes outstanding work in the area of transportation safety journalism and honors Casey Feldman, a senior journalism student at Fordham University who was killed by a distracted driver in 2009.


Erie Insurance Company Survey and Summer Road Safety Tips for Passengers

Erie Insurance Survey Results Provide Tips for Passengers to Speak Up When Their Drivers are Distracted As Memorial Day weekend marks the beginning of the summer road trip season, a recent national survey commissioned by Erie Insurance has shed light on a compelling solution to tackle the dangerous issue of texting while driving. The survey

artwork from Always Scared article

EndDD.Org. Announces Winners of the Casey Feldman Award for Transportation Safety Reporting

EndDD.org, a national organization established to campaign against distracted driving practices, has announced the first annual Casey Feldman  Award for Transportation Safety Reporting.  The award was established by The Casey Feldman Foundation and the journalism department of the University of Colorado Boulder’s College of Media, Communication, and Information. The intention of the award, to be


National Passenger Safety Week

National Passenger Safety Week: “We must speak up as passengers and will be most effective if we do so in a non-confrontational manner.” – Joel Feldman In 2010, Joel Feldman, founder of EndDD, produced a short video in which a deadly traffic accident is avoided because a passenger speaks up.  “Dad,” says the daughter who


The Casey Feldman Foundation/ EndDD.org Announce National Award for Transportation Safety Reporting

The Casey Feldman Foundation/EndDD.org is excited to announce the Casey Feldman Award for Traffic Safety Reporting sponsored in conjunction with the University of Colorado College of Media, Communication and Information. The Award has been created to recognize and honor reporters whose work informs the public about traffic safety. Traffic deaths, including those caused by distracted