Joel Feldman’s 21 yr-old-daughter Casey was killed by a distracted driver in 2009. Casey was a daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin and friend and her death shocked those who knew and loved her. For more information about Casey go to www.caseyfeldmanfoundation.org.
Since Casey’s death Joel Feldman has become a leading advocate for safe distraction-free driving in the US and Canada. He created EndDD.org, a website developed to educating others about the dangers of distracted driving. Working with Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), and other researchers and experts, he has developed science-based distracted driving presentations that incorporate behavior communication and change theory and other concepts to maximize their effectiveness. Studies conducted over a number of years found the presentations effective in changing attitudes and behaviors surrounding distracted driving.
He is frequently interviewed on radio and TV, with appearances on the Today Show, Nancy Grace Show and CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley. He has produced a number of PSAs that are used in EndDD.org presentations, including one for the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Faces of Distracted Driving series.
Joel Feldman is a frequent invited speaker and/or keynote speaker at national and state traffic safety, youth safety, medical and legal conferences and has spoken at a wide variety of businesses. Representative business presentations include those for financial service and accounting companies, trucking and construction companies, utility companies, pharmaceutical companies and every other type of business where employees drive to work and/or drive as part of their jobs. We tailor our presentations to our audiences.
Since 2012 he has personally given more than 1100 distracted driving presentations to more than 200,000 students and adults in 46 states and Canada. Feldman supervises a network of hundreds of speakers across the U.S. and Canada who, collectively, have spoken with more than students and adults using EndDD.org presentations.
Feldman readily admits that he regularly drove distracted before Casey was killed. “As a lawyer I had represented hundreds of families who had loved ones suffer life-altering injuries or death from motor vehicle crashes, yet it was not until Casey was killed that I realized that I needed to change the way I drive. We just don’t think that someone we love can be taken in an instant or that through poor driving choices we can kill others.” After Casey’s death he obtained his masters in counseling and uses those skills throughout his distracted driving presentations to engage audiences and challenge them to reflect on their driving habits and attitudes in a non-confrontational manner. His presentations are highly interactive and engaging. By telling his personal story of loss, using tragic and humorous videos, role play exercises, audience participation, and scientifically-designed materials he empowers audiences to commit to specific concrete steps for long-term safe driving at home and in the work-place.
Many employers have also found value in sponsoring talks in local schools in conjunction with work-place talks.
Joel Feldman is available for presentations that will change the culture of driving in your business or community organization.
His ability to engage the audience and present the facts about distracted driving was exceptional. Several of our employees approached me after the presentation and told me that this would absolutely change their driving behavior. Others confided that they were embarrassed that they were setting such a poor example when driving with their children.
Steve Turk, CEO, Discovery Natural Resources
To request information regarding scheduling an event email [email protected].
Joel and volunteer speakers have brought EndDD.org presentations to a wide range of workplaces. These interactive and engaging talks incorporate real stories, videos, audience participation, and more. Employees learn simple steps to keep them focused on driving.
Joel Feldman shared his daughter Casey’s story and spoke about the dangers of driving distracted to our team. The passion Joel possesses on the topic of distracted driving made it a very special and powerful presentation for us.
EndDD.org offers tailored presentations for middle schools and high schools. Students learn about the dangers of distracted driving and effective ways to speak up when their driver is distracted. The talks incorporate real stories, videos, audience participation, and more.
Attorney Feldman shared a personal story and backed it up with an educational approach supported by facts, figures, visual aids, and videos. He spoke to our students out of concern, like a parent, teacher, or caring adult would while sitting around the kitchen table.
A variety of community groups have hosted EndDD.org presentations to help their members be safe, distraction-free drivers. Speakers can customize a presentation to suit the unique needs of the organization. The talks incorporate real stories, videos, audience participation, and more.
As I left the presentation I heard staff members talking about the careless mistakes they've made and the bad examples they had set for their kids. As I listened, I know that the time spent here made an impact.