Feldman has given more than 1000 presentations at businesses, medical, legal and traffic safety conferences and to middle school, high school and college students across the country.
With input from experts at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), Feldman developed interactive, scientifically-guided, evidence-based distracted driving programs integrating health communication, behavioral change, and targeted persuasion principles. The United States Department of Transportation selected the EndDD.org high school presentation for analysis and in a study released in 2022, found the presentation effective in changing teen driving attitudes and behaviors surrounding distracted driving. The EndDD.org presentations were also found to encourage teens to speak up when seeing others driving distracted, with the result that parent driving behaviors also improved. In 2023, an analysis of an intervention conducted by EndDD.org and The Delaware Office of Highway Safety in driver’s ed classes, also found the presentation effective for teens.
Mr Feldman coordinates a network of 125 trained volunteer speakers, who, collectively have spoken to more than 525,000 teens across the country.
Distracted driving speaker Joel Feldman has been a practicing attorney for more than 40 years and regularly represents those injured, or family members of those killed, by distracted drivers. Feldman readily admits that even with representing victims of distracted driving crashes he frequently drove distracted until his daughter’s death. He earned a Master’s Degree in counseling from Villanova, after Casey’s death, and uses counseling skills in presenting the EndDD.org program at high schools, colleges, community programs, hospitals, legal and medical conventions, construction and utility companies, pharmaceutical companies and other businesses. He frequently speaks at national and regional youth safety and traffic safety conferences. Feldman particularly enjoys working with students and has supported numerous youth-led distracted driving projects across the country. He gives about 100 presentations each year.
He has worked with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), The Governor’s Highway Safety Association (GHSA). Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), many state and municipal traffic safety offices, as well as the National Transportation Safety Bureau (NTSB). He currently chairs several committees of the National Distracted Driving Coalition.
Recognizing the value of the EndDD.org program, former U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said, “EndDD.org has been a strong advocate in our fight to get drivers to keep their eyes on the road, their hands on the wheel, and their full attention on driving safely.”
Feldman’s video tribute to his daughter became the first outside submission to become part of DOT’s Faces of Distracted Driving. EndDD.org and Feldman have been the focus of numerous news stories, including the Today Show and Nancy Grace. Feldman and his wife, Dianne Anderson, live in the Philadelphia area.
Joel and volunteer speakers have brought EndDD.org presentations to a wide range of workplaces. These interactive and engaging talks incorporate real stories, videos, audience participation, and more. Employees learn simple steps to keep them focused on driving.
Joel Feldman shared his daughter Casey’s story and spoke about the dangers of driving distracted to our team. The passion Joel possesses on the topic of distracted driving made it a very special and powerful presentation for us.
EndDD.org offers tailored presentations for middle schools and high schools. Students learn about the dangers of distracted driving and effective ways to speak up when their driver is distracted. The talks incorporate real stories, videos, audience participation, and more.
Attorney Feldman shared a personal story and backed it up with an educational approach supported by facts, figures, visual aids, and videos. He spoke to our students out of concern, like a parent, teacher, or caring adult would while sitting around the kitchen table.
A variety of community groups have hosted EndDD.org presentations to help their members be safe, distraction-free drivers. Speakers can customize a presentation to suit the unique needs of the organization. The talks incorporate real stories, videos, audience participation, and more.
As I left the presentation I heard staff members talking about the careless mistakes they've made and the bad examples they had set for their kids. As I listened, I know that the time spent here made an impact.