Distracted Driving Updates Archives | Page 2 of 20 | EndDD

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EndDD.Org. Announces Winners of the Casey Feldman Award for Transportation Safety Reporting

EndDD.org, a national organization established to campaign against distracted driving practices, has announced the first annual Casey Feldman  Award for Transportation Safety Reporting.  The award was established by The Casey Feldman Foundation and the journalism department of the University of Colorado Boulder’s College of Media, Communication, and Information. The intention of the award, to be


National Passenger Safety Week

National Passenger Safety Week: “We must speak up as passengers and will be most effective if we do so in a non-confrontational manner.” – Joel Feldman In 2010, Joel Feldman, founder of EndDD, produced a short video in which a deadly traffic accident is avoided because a passenger speaks up.  “Dad,” says the daughter who


The Casey Feldman Foundation/ EndDD.org Announce National Award for Transportation Safety Reporting

The Casey Feldman Foundation/EndDD.org is excited to announce the Casey Feldman Award for Traffic Safety Reporting sponsored in conjunction with the University of Colorado College of Media, Communication and Information. The Award has been created to recognize and honor reporters whose work informs the public about traffic safety. Traffic deaths, including those caused by distracted


Move Over Laws

James Garcia: the Force Behind the Passage of Move Over Laws Across the U.S. In 1994, James Garcia was working as a paramedic tending to a crash scene in South Carolina. As he was helping his patient on the side of a two-lane highway, a driver going 45 mph struck Garcia. Fortunately, he recovered from


EndDD.org Marks National Teen Driver Safety Week with New Safety Campaigns

How to Protect Teen Drivers and Make Roads Safer This year, National Teen Driver Safety Week is October 17-23, and with motor vehicle crashes being the number one unintentional cause of death among teenagers, it is more important than ever to encourage safe driving habits among young people. After his daughter Casey was killed by


Pedestrian Safety: America’s Next Public Health Crisis

Why are walkers and cyclists being killed in such high numbers? Isabella Scipioni   Pedestrian deaths have skyrocketed over the past decade, and many are wondering what the cause of this crisis is and how to stop it. Of course, distracted driving and other unsafe practices behind the wheel are contributing factors, but Angie Schmitt,