Distracted Driving Updates Archives | Page 13 of 20 | EndDD


Parents – Don’t buy your teen a cheap old car

Per mile driven, the rate of serious vehicle crashes, including fatal ones, involving teens remains tragically high — about three times higher than that for adults. Parents can help to avoid heartbreak by considering safety when choosing a vehicle for their teen. Consider the recent study which compiled relevant data regarding teen fatalities and vehicles


Heads-up technology puts data on car windshields at CES

The Washington Post, By Drew Harwell and Hayley Tsukayama January 6, 2015 – “One of the automotive world’s newest, buzziest upgrades was once offered only for trained jet pilots: heads-up displays, projecting a buffet of colorful information on that once-sacred place of clarity, the car windshield. Touted at this week’s Consumer Electronics Show, the icon-rich displays have been installed by carmakers and tech startups as showcases for details on speed, directions, even cellphone notifications like text messages and Facebook alerts….”The manufacturers of these heads-up displays, none of them have said that any of their conclusions or assertions of safety are supported by any scientific evidence’ said Joel Feldman, an attorney and president of End Distracted Driving [….]


NHTSA Releases 2013 Crash Data – Highway Fatalities and Injuries Declining

Roadway deaths fall nearly 25% in a decade, fatality rates at a historic low – In late December, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released the 2013 Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) final data for 2013. That data reflects a 3.1% decrease from 2012 and a nearly 25% decline in […]


Wayne State University Researchers Study Decline in Driving Performance While Texting Based on Age

We all know that texting while driving is dangerous, something that was certainly confirmed again in a recent study by Wayne State University Researchers. Using a driving simulator, lane excursions while texting were measured (middle of the car departing  from driving lane into opposing lane of travel or onto the shoulder). Roughly 50% of the


What will it take to end distracted driving? Joel Feldman, EndDD.org, presents his ideas to the Louisiana Property and Casualty Commission

It was a great opportunity to share ideas and potential solutions to our distracted driving epidemic with the members of the Louisiana Property and Casualty Commission. Members of the Commission include representatives from the insurance industry, department of motor vehicles, law enforcement, traffic safety and university professionals, including researchers. We were also joined by a


Distracted Driving and the Deaf Community – EndDD.org Presentation at the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind

Several months ago when I agreed to do a distracted driving presentation at the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind, I must admit that I had some anxiety about it. I had never really known anyone who was deaf and knew nothing about the deaf culture; I wanted to make certain that I could do an effective presentation…Many in the deaf community will sign when they drive, in addition to looking at their cell phones [….].


U.S. Legislative and Enforcement Efforts to Combat Distracted Driving Fall Short Compared to Those in Canada

I participated in the Sault Ste Marie Police Service’s 38th Annual Crime Prevention Summit this week in Ontario, Canada, this year’s theme being, “Road Safety..it Begins With You”. Among the many participants in the conference were also the Ontario Provincial Police and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. I was often asked by conference attendees and local media how the distracted driving problem differs in Canada from the United States [….]