Leave the Dog at Home – Especially If You Are a Senior
It may be true that, “if you want a friend, get a dog,” but a recent study shows, when you get in the car, you should leave the dog at home, especially if you’re a senior citizen.
It may be true that, “if you want a friend, get a dog,” but a recent study shows, when you get in the car, you should leave the dog at home, especially if you’re a senior citizen.
“This past weekend, on April 6, we celebrated my daughter Casey’s 25th birthday. But Casey wasn’t there. She was killed in 2009 by a distracted driver, a 58-year-old man behind the wheel of a van. He took his eyes off the road for just a few seconds. Pink was Casey’s favorite color, so we released pink balloons in her memory….” Read the post of Casey’s father, Joel Feldman, founder of EndDD.org on the U.S. DOT site.
“I wasn’t texting, I wasn’t using my cell phone, but I still killed someone”, says 17 year old Kate McGuire in the new PSA video produced by Casey’s father, Joel Feldman, now incorporated into the EndDD distracted driving presentation. This is one of the first distracted driving videos which features both the driver and the victim’s family. Kate, a senior in high school, describes how her selfish act killed a 61 year old man who was about to become a grandfather for the first time. Emily, the daughter of the man who was killed talks about how this senseless and preventable crash has affected her and her family.
The EndDD campaign has been taken to Massachusetts and kicked off at the State Capital in a press conference
From opposite ends of the country, 21-year-old Casey Feldman and 18-year-old Kassy Kerfoot would never know their Moms would meet in Idaho to become allies in a life-saving campaign.
In the most recent edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association , Jeffrey Coben, M.D., and co-author Motao Zhu, M.D., PhD argue in a Viewpoint submission that automobile manufacturers must be required by the federal government to design vehicles so that hand-held devices are rendered inoperable when the vehicle is in motion. The
In the largest study of its kind to date, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report last month revealing that 4.2% of drivers reported falling asleep at the wheel within the previous 30 days.
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) , in collaboration with the Michigan State Police, recently released a new PSA video in its fight to reduce distracted driving injuries and deaths. The video is of a sportscaster doing the play by play of a distracted driver who is spending some time behind bars.
University of Colorado students are part of a project that will develop a distracted driving program aimed at college students. The CU students are working in conjunction with the Bacchus network, a national leader in college safety programs, with funding provided by the Colorado DOT.