Distracted Driving Updates Archives | Page 6 of 20 | EndDD


Raising Awareness: Employer Liability for Distracted Driving

At EndDD.org, we regularly voice the dangers of work-related distracted driving. Joel and our volunteers encourage employers across the country to adopt safe driving policies for their companies, both for the safety of their teams and to reduce liability. In conjunction with Joel’s firm, Anapol Weiss, we developed a workplace safe driving policy to promote


We Have Breathalyzers To Help Fight Drunk Driving, Should We Have the Textalyzer to Fight Distracted Driving?

New York state is currently considering arming police with the textalyzer, a device that would allow police officers, after a crash, to download information allowing them to see what the driver was doing with his or her smartphone immediately before the crash. There is no doubt that allowing police to do so would be a


View our video and Meme Contest Winners!

End Distracted Driving (EndDD.org) is thrilled to announce the winners of the 2017 SADD National Distracted Driving Video and Meme Contest. The awe-inspiring number of entries and their powerful messages have proven that teens truly have the power to keep their friends safe through caring, speaking up and creating positive peer pressure. Students from 18 states submitted more than 170 individual entries. Many of the projects submitted were created as a group effort, tallying the number of student participants to more than 500.


Apple’s Do Not Disturb While Driving Feature – a Band Aid for the Epidemic of Distracted Driving

Contrary to what has recently been reported in the media, Apple’s “Do Not Disturb While Driving” (DNDWD) feature, which will be available in the fall of 2017 as part of the iOS 11 operating system update, will not drastically reduce iPhone distracted driving crashes. Despite all the hype surrounding DNDWD, it falls short of providing real protection from distracted drivers […]


Pedestrian Deaths on U.S. Highways Spike – EndDD’s Joel Feldman Appears on CBS Evening News

A new study just released by The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) projects an 11% increase in the number of pedestrians killed on U.S. roadways last year, compared to 2015. This would represent the steepest year-to-year increase since record-keeping began, both in terms of the number of deaths and percentage increase. Overall, pedestrian fatalities have increased by