EndDD Featured Articles

Driver driving a car on asphalt road in summer day at park.

The Hidden Dangers of Distracted Driving: A Call to Action

By Kila Baldwin, Anapol Weiss Distracted driving is a silent epidemic on America’s roads, claiming lives and causing preventable tragedies every day. As an attorney at Anapol Weiss, I’ve witnessed the aftermath of accidents caused by distracted driving and the devastating toll it takes on individuals, families, and communities. Despite widespread awareness campaigns, many continue to


Erie Insurance Company Survey and Summer Road Safety Tips for Passengers

Erie Insurance Survey Results Provide Tips for Passengers to Speak Up When Their Drivers are Distracted As Memorial Day weekend marks the beginning of the summer road trip season, a recent national survey commissioned by Erie Insurance has shed light on a compelling solution to tackle the dangerous issue of texting while driving. The survey


Move Over Laws

James Garcia: the Force Behind the Passage of Move Over Laws Across the U.S. In 1994, James Garcia was working as a paramedic tending to a crash scene in South Carolina. As he was helping his patient on the side of a two-lane highway, a driver going 45 mph struck Garcia. Fortunately, he recovered from


Fueling Change out of Loss: The Story of Three Families and the Minnesota Hands-Free Law

Nobody will ever be prepared to receive the worst news of their lives, especially in the case of Tom Goeltz, Vijay Dixit, and Greg and Amy LaVallee, who all lost their children to distracted drivers. Goeltz was sitting in his living room when he received a call that would change his life; a distracted driver


A Powerful New Weapon in the Fight Against Distracted Driving

Travelers Insurance Company’s “Unfinished Stories” tell the stories of those killed by distracted driving in a way that has never been done before. Howard Stein was killed by a driver who was programming her GPS three months before his first grandchild, Evie, was born.  He will never know the joy of being a grandfather and