EndDD Featured Articles | Page 6 of 10


A Veteran’s Expression of Patriotism and Love for His Country 96 Years Ago

World War I, described as the “war to end all wars,” ended with the signing of the Armistice. The Armistice took effect on the 11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Month in 1918. Following World War II we now remember veterans from all wars on Veterans Day, November 11th. On November 11th, 1918 my grandfather Louis was 23 years old, an army corporal and was in France fighting the Germans….Being an artist he celebrated by carving both sides of the lid of his mess kit [….]


U.S. Legislative and Enforcement Efforts to Combat Distracted Driving Fall Short Compared to Those in Canada

I participated in the Sault Ste Marie Police Service’s 38th Annual Crime Prevention Summit this week in Ontario, Canada, this year’s theme being, “Road Safety..it Begins With You”. Among the many participants in the conference were also the Ontario Provincial Police and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. I was often asked by conference attendees and local media how the distracted driving problem differs in Canada from the United States [….]


Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Distracted – Inspirational Teens and the NOYS 2014 Summit

Safety advocates regularly speak about the “epidemic of distracted driving” and the need to change our driving culture. Many blame teens for the epidemic, suggesting that their need to be connected has caused distracted driving crashes to rise. After attending the NOYS Distracted Driving Prevention Summit I am more optimistic than ever that it is our


“Play Distracted Lose the Game, Drive Distracted Lose a Life”

These words were spoken by Col. Steven Flaherty, Supt. of the Virginia State Police, at the 2nd Annual Virginia Distracted Diving Summit, where EndDD’s Joel Feldman also spoke. Col. Flaherty was making the point that we would not text or call while participating in sports, but that we will often do so while driving. In our EndDD.org presentations we have used this 30 second video to make the same point [….]


“Look at me…and say: I don’t want to be that guy.” Reggie Shaw quoted in, “A Deadly Wandering – A Tale of Tragedy and Redemption in the Age of Attention,” by Matt Richtel

Reggie Shaw was texting while driving in 2006 and killed two men. Richtel’s book tells Reggie’s story and also the story of those who were affected by Reggie’s decision to text and drive. Since I have met Reggie and spoken with him, this book has special meaning for me. It is a story of how good can come out of suffering, how one man, initially reviled for what he had done, was able to earn respect, forgiveness and love from others, including those whose loved ones he killed [….]


Achieving by learning from failures and overcoming obstacles and adversity

“Everyone has a unique and beautiful story. We just need to listen and we will be changed.” – Casey Feldman, 1988-2009. This beauty of stories and their power to change us was evident on September 12th, when I participated in the Vermont Association for Justice (VTAJ) “Cornerstone Stories,” a TED style program in which speakers were asked to talk about overcoming failures or obstacles on the path to success [….]


Lawyers Have Responsibility to Exemplify Distraction-Free Driving

“Driving while distracted can be deadly. As lawyers, parents and leaders in our community, we have an obligation to drive safely without being distracted. We are the ones who set the example for others to follow.” Joel Feldman’s article, “Lawyers Have Responsibility to Exemplify Distraction-Free Driving” was featured in The Legal Intelligencer on Friday, August