EndDD Featured Articles | Page 7 of 10


Claiming it can make texting and tweeting safe for drivers with its “Heads Up Display”, Navdy ignores the science of cognitive distraction

First it was Google, proclaiming that allowing drivers to wear Google Glass would promote safety. Now San Francisco- based startup, Navdy, claims its Heads Up Display (HUD) would permit drivers to text and tweet safely while driving because the product projects images in the forward visual field of the driver so the driver does not


Working With Amazing Young People To End Distracted Driving – SADD and FCCLA 2014 National Conferences

In June I was privileged to be able to speak at the SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) National Conference in Washington, D.C. and in July, at the FCCLA (Family Career, Community Leaders Of America) National Conference in San Antonio, TX. Each organization is led by incredibly committed, dynamic and compassionate youth. After attending these conferences


“Where Do You Draw the Line?” – Main Line Philadelphia Teens Produce Distracted Driving Video

By Peter Dissinger, Guest Blogger – Senior, Friends Central School, Wynnewood, PA. It’s no stretch to say that distracted driving is an epidemic in today’s world. Every month, it seems as if I am hearing about another car crash that was caused by a driver’s lack of attention to the road. Whether it is texting, […]


Evaluating the Effectiveness of Distracted Driving Presentations—Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and EndDD.org

The results of analysis of surveys completed in connection with our pilot program in 2012 have been released in a CHOP Research Institute White Paper dated April 9, 2014, “Evaluation of EndDD.org’s Student Awareness Initiative: Effectiveness of a Program to Prevent Teen Distracted Driving.” […]


Cognitive Distractions: Safe driving requires our brains to be entirely focused on driving

It is not enough to be holding the wheel and looking at the road-we need to devote our full attention to the task of driving. If we are not concentrating entirely on driving because we are trying to think about a secondary task – a cell phone conversation, texting, reading e-mails, etc  -than we are