Distracted Driving Archives | Page 21 of 46 | EndDD


Dr Nancy, RN – Video interviews with EndDD founders – “Creating the Casey Anderson Feldman Foundation to Raise Awareness About the Dangers of Distracted Driving”

Dianne Anderson and Joel Feldman, founders of the Casey Feldman Foundation and EndDD, were interviewed in two separate 1/2 hour shows by Nancy Valentine, PhD RN, on the Dr. Nancy RN, Healthy World, Healthy Nation, Healthy You TV show. Click on the link below to go to the website and watch the video segment on


Parents – Don’t buy your teen a cheap old car

Per mile driven, the rate of serious vehicle crashes, including fatal ones, involving teens remains tragically high — about three times higher than that for adults. Parents can help to avoid heartbreak by considering safety when choosing a vehicle for their teen. Consider the recent study which compiled relevant data regarding teen fatalities and vehicles


Heads-up technology puts data on car windshields at CES

The Washington Post, By Drew Harwell and Hayley Tsukayama January 6, 2015 – “One of the automotive world’s newest, buzziest upgrades was once offered only for trained jet pilots: heads-up displays, projecting a buffet of colorful information on that once-sacred place of clarity, the car windshield. Touted at this week’s Consumer Electronics Show, the icon-rich displays have been installed by carmakers and tech startups as showcases for details on speed, directions, even cellphone notifications like text messages and Facebook alerts….”The manufacturers of these heads-up displays, none of them have said that any of their conclusions or assertions of safety are supported by any scientific evidence’ said Joel Feldman, an attorney and president of End Distracted Driving [….]


NHTSA Releases 2013 Crash Data – Highway Fatalities and Injuries Declining

Roadway deaths fall nearly 25% in a decade, fatality rates at a historic low – In late December, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released the 2013 Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) final data for 2013. That data reflects a 3.1% decrease from 2012 and a nearly 25% decline in […]


What is your child’s favorite color?

My daughter Casey’s favorite color was pink. She was killed by a distracted driver and I wear a pink wristband to remember and honor her. I also wear wristbands to remember other children killed by distracted driving.  For three years I have traveled across the country speaking to teens and adults, at schools, work places,