Distracted Driving Archives | Page 22 of 46 | EndDD


Wayne State University Researchers Study Decline in Driving Performance While Texting Based on Age

We all know that texting while driving is dangerous, something that was certainly confirmed again in a recent study by Wayne State University Researchers. Using a driving simulator, lane excursions while texting were measured (middle of the car departing  from driving lane into opposing lane of travel or onto the shoulder). Roughly 50% of the


“LPCIC Looks at Ways to End Distracted Driving”

Reprinted from LPCIC MONTHLY REPORT Volume 14, Issue 12 December 2014 – The Louisiana Property and Casualty Insurance Commission met on December 4th for a presentation on distracted driving. Nationally recognized speaker and founder of End Distracted Driving, Joel Feldman, provided a broad and thought-provoking spectrum of information on the topic. Mr. Feldman […]


“R.I. legal group seeks to end distracted driving”

The Providence Journal, Providence, R.I. – By Linda Borg, December 30, 2014 “More than 3,000 people in the United States were killed or injured by a distracted driver in 2012…. These are just a few of the statistics offered by Jonathan D. Orent, one of several lawyers who volunteered to instruct high school students about


Subaru Magazine: It only takes a moment to change your life forever

Article in Subaru Magazine by Rob Bundy, Subaru and Joel Feldman, EndDD.org – Five seconds. That’s the time it takes to sneak a glance at your smartphone to see who texted you…. But in just five seconds, a car at highway speed can race the length of a football field….In five seconds, lives and families are changed forever….At Subaru, we are dedicated to keeping you safe on the road….[And,] A Father Who Lost his Child Wants to Save Yours…


What will it take to end distracted driving? Joel Feldman, EndDD.org, presents his ideas to the Louisiana Property and Casualty Commission

It was a great opportunity to share ideas and potential solutions to our distracted driving epidemic with the members of the Louisiana Property and Casualty Commission. Members of the Commission include representatives from the insurance industry, department of motor vehicles, law enforcement, traffic safety and university professionals, including researchers. We were also joined by a


“SJA Hosts ‘End Distracted Driving’ Presentation”

“St. Joseph’s Academy students gathered in the Activity Center on December 3 for an interactive and informative presentation about the dangers of distracted driving. Joel Feldman, whose 21-year-old daughter was killed by a distracted driver, and Stephanie M. Possa, an attorney with the Tyler & Possa law firm and a member of the Louisiana Association for Justice (LAJ), presented End Distracted Driving (EndDD)…,’I’m not here to tell anyone what to do,’ Feldman said, ‘and I’m not here to say that distracted driving is a teen problem. Adults drive distracted. I used to drive distracted. The reason I stopped is because my daughter was killed. This is a collective problem’…..”


Helping me to find gratitude from pain and loss

I gave a distracted driving talk Tuesday at The Country Day School of the Sacred Heart in the Philadelphia suburbs. One of the students was blonde and she looked a little like my daughter, Casey. And she had the same habit as Casey – twirling her hair with her left hand. Following the talk, the school was getting out for Thanksgiving and many were leaving directly with family to travel for the holiday. As I drove home I thought that if Casey were alive she, like all the girls at the talk, would be coming home to be with us for Thanksgiving….It was hard to feel thankful [….]


Would you describe yourself as selfish? – Shady Side Academy

News article by Katharine Vavpetic, Shady Side Academy, Nov. 24, 2014 – Would you describe yourself as selfish? Would you describe your children that way? Likely not…. Joel Feldman, founder of End Distracted Driving, spoke with parents last Tuesday evening and students last Wednesday morning about the dangers of distracted driving. In his compelling presentation [….]