Distracted Driving Archives | Page 24 of 46 | EndDD


Burlington Free Press – Bohjalian: “Driven to distraction? Stop now”

…. I never met Casey. But I stared at a large photograph of her earlier this month at the DoubleTree Hotel in South Burlington, while her father, Joel spoke of her death — and what it is like as a parent to bury your child….Her father and I were among nine speakers sharing different moments from our lives as a part of the Vermont Association for Justice’s “Cornerstone Stories.” Feldman’s story was especially powerful, not simply because of the eloquence and honesty with which he shared every parent’s most devastating nightmare, but because of how he and his wife Dianne Anderson chose to go on living. And part of that path forward was the creation of the organization, “End Distracted Driving” (EndDD) ….


“Play Distracted Lose the Game, Drive Distracted Lose a Life”

These words were spoken by Col. Steven Flaherty, Supt. of the Virginia State Police, at the 2nd Annual Virginia Distracted Diving Summit, where EndDD’s Joel Feldman also spoke. Col. Flaherty was making the point that we would not text or call while participating in sports, but that we will often do so while driving. In our EndDD.org presentations we have used this 30 second video to make the same point [….]


“Look at me…and say: I don’t want to be that guy.” Reggie Shaw quoted in, “A Deadly Wandering – A Tale of Tragedy and Redemption in the Age of Attention,” by Matt Richtel

Reggie Shaw was texting while driving in 2006 and killed two men. Richtel’s book tells Reggie’s story and also the story of those who were affected by Reggie’s decision to text and drive. Since I have met Reggie and spoken with him, this book has special meaning for me. It is a story of how good can come out of suffering, how one man, initially reviled for what he had done, was able to earn respect, forgiveness and love from others, including those whose loved ones he killed [….]


Achieving by learning from failures and overcoming obstacles and adversity

“Everyone has a unique and beautiful story. We just need to listen and we will be changed.” – Casey Feldman, 1988-2009. This beauty of stories and their power to change us was evident on September 12th, when I participated in the Vermont Association for Justice (VTAJ) “Cornerstone Stories,” a TED style program in which speakers were asked to talk about overcoming failures or obstacles on the path to success [….]


Joel Feldman, EndDD founder, interviewed on radio this week

Joel feldman, EndDD.org founder, was interviewed this week on The Peggy Smedley weekly radio show, “The Voice of M2M and Connected Devices”,  giving his thoughts  on heads-up-displays (HUD’)s for vehicles and what teens are saying to him regarding distracted driving by their parents. The Peggy Smedley Show, The Voice of M2M and Connected Devices, is