Distracted Driving Archives | Page 25 of 46 | EndDD


Governor’s Highway Safety Association (GHSA) Report Highlights State and Local Initiatives to Combat Teen Distracted Driving

The GHSA’s newest report provides the most comprehensive summary of efforts undertaken to date nationwide to combat teen distracted driving. This report highlights teen distracted driving research, the extent of the teen distracted driving problem and summarizes applicable legislative and enforcement efforts. More importantly, it also describes a number of innovative programs from across the country, including EndDD.org, that are showing promise in reducing distracted driving crashes [….]


Lawyers Have Responsibility to Exemplify Distraction-Free Driving

“Driving while distracted can be deadly. As lawyers, parents and leaders in our community, we have an obligation to drive safely without being distracted. We are the ones who set the example for others to follow.” Joel Feldman’s article, “Lawyers Have Responsibility to Exemplify Distraction-Free Driving” was featured in The Legal Intelligencer on Friday, August


Claiming it can make texting and tweeting safe for drivers with its “Heads Up Display”, Navdy ignores the science of cognitive distraction

First it was Google, proclaiming that allowing drivers to wear Google Glass would promote safety. Now San Francisco- based startup, Navdy, claims its Heads Up Display (HUD) would permit drivers to text and tweet safely while driving because the product projects images in the forward visual field of the driver so the driver does not


Working With Amazing Young People To End Distracted Driving – SADD and FCCLA 2014 National Conferences

In June I was privileged to be able to speak at the SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) National Conference in Washington, D.C. and in July, at the FCCLA (Family Career, Community Leaders Of America) National Conference in San Antonio, TX. Each organization is led by incredibly committed, dynamic and compassionate youth. After attending these conferences


‘Dad, Quit Texting, You’re Driving’

New study suggests that persuading teens to avoid distracted driving might start by asking them to monitor their parents’ driving behavior Every day, tens of thousands of students sit through hundreds of public awareness assemblies in classrooms and auditoriums at high schools across the United States. Most of the messages are forgotten within a few