Distracted Driving Archives | Page 3 of 46 | EndDD


National Passenger Safety Week

National Passenger Safety Week: “We must speak up as passengers and will be most effective if we do so in a non-confrontational manner.” – Joel Feldman In 2010, Joel Feldman, founder of EndDD, produced a short video in which a deadly traffic accident is avoided because a passenger speaks up.  “Dad,” says the daughter who


The Casey Feldman Foundation/ EndDD.org Announce National Award for Transportation Safety Reporting

The Casey Feldman Foundation/EndDD.org is excited to announce the Casey Feldman Award for Traffic Safety Reporting sponsored in conjunction with the University of Colorado College of Media, Communication and Information. The Award has been created to recognize and honor reporters whose work informs the public about traffic safety. Traffic deaths, including those caused by distracted


Do Not Disturb While Driving Day

1st annual DNDWD Day was October 20, 2022 and is scheduled annually on the 3rd Thursday in October. Distracted driving continues to be a terrible problem on our roads. We are still killing about 3,000 of us each year and injuring another 400,000.  Plus, since distracted driving crashes are vastly underreported, the actual numbers are


Distracted driving Research: Adults are the Problem, Teens are the Solution

​Despite the amplitude of warnings and cautionary billboards across U.S. highways that urge drivers to put down the phone while behind the wheel, a 2017 study found that 95.2% of surveyors who were young drivers participated in distracted driving behaviors. Today, distracted driving continues to pose a major threat to young people, as 16-19 year-olds are 3


PSA: Speak up when your driver drives distracted.

There are no do-overs in life. Speak up when your driver drives distracted. You can save lives. When someone driving you is driving distracted, you do not have to sit back and feel unsafe. Distracted driving causes catastrophic injury and death. You aren’t guaranteed a do-over. Make sure you speak up and say something to


EndDD and other groups kick off first National Passenger Safety Week

 Passenger safety is a growing concern in the traffic safety community. January 23 through January 30, 2022 marks the first National Passenger Safety Week, and EndDD and dozens of other traffic safety groups are using the occasion to shed light on an important issue. According to Candace Lightner, founder of the traffic safety groups