Distracted Driving Archives | Page 31 of 46 | EndDD


NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL/NATIONWIDE – cell phone use underreported

Cell phone use is responsible for far more distracted driving crashes than are being reported, according to a recent report from the National Safety Council and Nationwide Insurance that says cell phone distracted driving crashes are “vastly under-reported.” The problem is in how data is collected – or not. About one-half of all crashes where


Casey Feldman Foundation/EndDD.org Founders Receive Courageous Advocacy Award in Massachusetts

In creating the Casey Feldman Foundation and EndDD.org and bringing their “End Distracted Driving” (EndDD) message to the public throughout the country, Joel Feldman and Dianne Anderson “have given their daughter a powerful and important legacy,” the Massachusetts Academy of Trial Attorneys (MATA) concluded, recently awarding the couple the group’s 2013 Courageous Advocacy Award.


EndDD.org Particpates in Launch of Global Youth Traffic Safety Month

Global Youth Traffic Safety Month is now, and EndDD.org was there for the launch in Washington, DC, with the National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS), committing to help young people change their driving habits to make this the safest summer ever. Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for American teenagers and summer is the deadliest season of all.