Distracted Driving Archives | Page 37 of 46 | EndDD


Responsible Teen Drivers Wanted

Is that you? What defines a responsible teen driver vs. an irresponsible teen driver? Is teen driver an oxymoron? We don’t think so. We think teens can be just as responsible and just as concerned (or maybe more concerned) about safety as their adult counterparts.


Let America Know promotes EndDD’s safe driving initiatives

Let America Know is a grassroots advocacy organization supported by trial lawyers and law firms to increase public understanding of safety issues. It’s in place to give a voice to those who want to speak out on legal and social issues that affect public safety. In recognition of National Distracted Driving Month in April 2012,


Keep Your Eyes on the Road!

Delaware County Council, PA was joined by the parents of a young lady killed in a distracted driving accident as they spoke to raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving.


Montgomery County Commissioner Joins Distracted Driving Awareness Initiative

Montgomery  County State Commissioner, Josh Shapiro, who was very influential in  the passage of Pennsylvania’s Texting Ban, and the recent resolution making April Distracted Driving Awareness Month, took part in EndDD.org’s Student Awareness Initiative.  Commissioner Shapiro presented this morning to students at Abington High School along with attorney Michael Monheit from Anapol Schwartz.    Several


During April’s Distracted Driving Awareness Month More than 50,000 students will participate in presentations offered through the Casey Feldman Foundation and EndDD.org

The Casey Feldman Foundation was established to promote traffic safety awareness, among other causes, and to remember Casey Feldman, who was killed by a distracted driver in July 2009. Casey’s Foundation and EndDD.org have coordinated judges and lawyers to give presentations to high school students across  North America.


Masillon Attorney Makes Distracted Driving Front Page News

Larry Slagle, of Slagle Law Offices, was featured in an article starting on page 1 of “The Independent”, a local newspaper in Masillon Ohio. Larry is one of the many attorneys across the country taking part in our End Distracted Driving Student Awareness Initiative.   Larry was one of the first speakers.  He presented to roughly