Distracted Driving Archives | Page 38 of 46 | EndDD


Twelve Simple Steps We Can Take For Safer Driving

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. The Casey Feldman Memorial Foundation, EndDD.org, and 60 For Safety have coordinated efforts to develop a program for high school students that will be used by 850 speakers, presenting to 25,000 students across North America in April and May. One part of the presentation is to describe the


Using technology to combat distracted driving

Last year, T-Mobile announced an optional new service that would automatically disable alerts and send all calls to voicemail if a cell phone is in a moving car. At that time, we expected other carriers would follow with similar innovations. Surprise! Many other technology companies have moved into this area over the last 12 months


Glee Distracted Driving PSA: “On My Way”

In this video, the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Ad Council have teamed up with the hit Fox television show, Glee to create a message that highlight the dangers of texting while driving. You may have seen the actual episode of the show where Quinn, (played by actress Dianna Agron), was involved in the


Talking With Teens About Distracted Driving

We are all guilty of this deadly habit, yet many of us don’t even know when we are doing it. Our dependence on cell phones makes us do it even more. The offense is driving distracted. It happens when we are talking, texting, dialing, reaching, eating, reading or even grooming while we are driving and