Distracted Driving Archives | Page 39 of 46 | EndDD


Distracted Drivers Are in Denial

Most adults who drive engage in distracted driving behaviors and readily admit doing so and know those behaviors increase the likelihood of accidents. A new poll release by Harris Interactive/HealthDay poll, indicates that most most adults who drive on a regular basis readily admit to having engaged in distracted driving behaviors.


Ban the bomb and cell use in cars

Should cell use in cars be banned? Yes. Why? Cell use in cars should be banned because people of all ages do not need to multi-task while they’re driving. When you get behind the wheel of a car, all eyes and ears should be focused on the road ahead of you.


Employers Implement Safe Driving Policies

The Pennsylvania Association for Justice(PAJ) becomes the most recent employer to implement safe driving policies. The Pennsylvania Association for Justice(PAJ)recently  implemented new safe driving policies for its managers and support staff. The managers will not call staff when they know they are driving, nor will they require immediate responses from staff to calls. Staff will