Distracted Driving Archives | Page 42 of 46 | EndDD


The Distracted Mind

Everyone knows we’re not supposed to multitask while driving, but do you know why? Refraining from texting, changing the radio, or talking to other people in the car isn’t just cautionary advice from your parents and driver’s ed teachers. It turns out your brain literally can’t focus on too much at once.


Volkswagen ‘Eyes on the Road’ Ad

VW Safety Video Gets Attention of Texting Teens with the message, “Mobile use is now the leading cause of death behind the wheel. A reminder to keep your eyes on the road.”


New York’s Governor Cuomo is Serious About Saving Lives By Preventing Distracted Driving

by Joel D. Feldman New York state was one of the earliest states to enact laws restricting motorists’ cell phone use. Using a hand held device while driving would result in a citation if the vehicle was pulled over for another reason. On July 14th New York took another major step to protect its residents, particularly


Governor’s Highway Safety Association Report on Distracted Driving Puzzling and Irresponsible

by Joel D. Feldman The Governor’s Highway Safety Association(GHSA) released its summary of distracted driving research after considering more than 350 scientific papers published between 2000-2011. The results for the most part were not surprising, confirming: distractions play a major role in crashes drivers can be distracted up to half the time they are driving


NHTSA Pilot Program Effective in Reducing Distracted Driving

Strong laws, visible enforcement and education dramatically reduce cell phone use and texting in NHTSA Pilot Program. U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray La Hood announced that pilot studies in Syracuse, New York and Hartford, Connecticut aimed at reducing cell phone use and texting by drivers were remarkably successful. ”These findings show that strong laws, combined


Texting, Driving and Football

The Minnesota Department of Public Safety developed a creative way to involve teens with their distracted driving video contest. The first-place winner Alex Emmons, produced a compelling 30 second video that hits home with respect to the dangers presented by being distracted while texting. See how Alex used the football field to make his point


Freedom from Distracted Driving: Top 10 Safe Driving Tips for the 4th of July Weekend

The first week of July is typically one of the busiest American travel periods of the year, as many people utilize the holiday for extended vacation trips. It is also one of the deadliest. Fourth of July images inspire fireworks, parades, picnics and barbecues, red/white/and blue, concerts, and baseball games. What about safe driving?  Last


Federal Legislation Introduced to Reduce the Toll of Distracted Driving

Written by Joel D. Feldman Rep. Carolyn McCarthy of New York introduced the Safe Drivers Act of 2011 which will prohibit drivers on public roads from using any handheld mobile device while behind the wheel. Hands-free or voice-activated devices would remain acceptable, as would the use of handheld phones in cases of emergency. The proposed legislation also requires the