Distracted Driving Archives | Page 8 of 46 | EndDD

state laws

Georgia’s New Distracted Driving Law- A Matter of Respect

Starting July 1st Georgia motorists will be required to put their smartphones down while driving or risk being ticketed. Georgia’s new distracted driving law was a reaction to the astronomical increase in Georgia traffic fatalities from 2014-2016, more than 30%, as compared to the national increase of about 14%. While safety was properly the focus


2018 Video and Meme Contest Winners!

EndDD.org is proud to announce the winners of our 2018 Video and Meme/Gif Contest – “Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Distracted”, which was expanded this year to include elementary and middle school students. With over 56 videos and 167 memes/gifs submitted, the 8 winners hailed from NY, AL, MN, ND, IN and VA. Our impressive group of judges were Deborah Hersman, President and CEO of the National Safety Council [….]


April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month – Learn What you Can Do

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, a united nationwide effort to raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving and eliminate preventable deaths and injuries on our roadways.  Accordingly to the latest statistics released by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), over 37,000 people were killed on our highways in 2016, an increase of 5.6% from 2015. Here is what you can do [ ….]


Are Smart Cars Making Us More Distracted?

    With all of the high-tech features of today’s smart cars, it’s hard not to join the conversation around distracted driving. From mesmerizing dashboard displays and infotainment centers to built-in GPS and Wi-Fi, new technology plays a huge role in how we interact with our vehicles. But in an ironic twist, the very features