EndDD in the News Archives | Page 14 of 18 | EndDD


Release of “Just a Few Seconds” EndDD Video

“I wasn’t texting, I wasn’t using my cell phone, but I still killed someone”, says 17 year old Kate McGuire in the new PSA video produced by Casey’s father, Joel Feldman, now incorporated into the EndDD distracted driving presentation. This is one of the first distracted driving videos which features both the driver and the victim’s family. Kate, a senior in high school, describes how her selfish act killed a 61 year old man who was about to become a grandfather for the first time. Emily, the daughter of the man who was killed talks about how this senseless and preventable crash has affected her and her family.


PA Kicks Off Statewide EndDD Effort at Church Farm School

While Joel Feldman and other volunteers have given dozens of EndDD.org distracted driving presentations at PA high schools over the past year, the Pennsylvania Association of Justice (PAJ) declared their decision to come on board at Joel’s presentation on Feb. 15, 2013 at The Church Farm School in Exton.