Our Distracted Driving educational programs have reached hundreds of thousands of people, and the number grows every day. You can be part of the solution, too. If you’re interested in hosting or giving a presentation, or if you’re aiming to be a safer driver and help others to adopt safe driving habits, below are the resources to get you started.
Mother’s Day Promise: A Downloadable Commitment for Teens
Celebrate Mother’s Day with a meaningful gift. Download the ‘Mother’s Day Promise’ certificate, a part of the #DriveSafeForMom campaign. This printable pledge encourages teens to promise their moms that they will avoid distractions while driving, including not using phones, setting them on ‘Do Not Disturb’, and speaking up against distracted driving.
Family Safe Driving Agreement
This printable agreement offers a checklist of simple steps to avoid being a distracted driver and to protect yourself and others from preventable crashes.
Printable Adult Safe Driving Tips Sheet: Why You Should Give Up Distracted Driving
This printable tip sheet offers essential safe driving tips for adults, emphasizing the importance of modeling responsible behavior for younger drivers. It provides actionable advice to combat common driving distractions like phone use, eating, and multitasking, helping to foster a safer driving environment for families and communities.
Sample Cell Phone Policy for Businesses
This downloadable sample cell phone policy can be customized for your workplace to encourage employees to drive safely and talk to their families about safe driving.
Brochure: Distracted Driving Prevention Solutions
Updated in 2021, this three-fold brochure overviews the dangers and solutions to end distracted driving.
EndDD.org Speaker Resources
If you’re an official volunteer speaker of the End Distracted Driving Student Initiative, you can download the Student Presentation (in both PowerPoint and Keynote). We also offer support materials to ensure your campaign is a success.
Elementary School Distracted Driving Resources
These resources teach kids to recognize when their drivers are distracted and to speak up, letting drivers know of their concerns, using “I” statements, as well as how the “Slow Down/ Move Over Laws” keep responders safe.
We have created and collected several helpful videos about distracted driving dangers, including “Keep Your Mother in Your Heart and Your Eyes on the Road,” “There are No Do-Overs-Speak Up When Your Driver Drives Distracted,” and “Brothers Don’t Let Brothers Drive Distracted.” Click here to view the videos.