Pennsbury High School students in Bucks County, PA hea the presentation in an event sponsored by PennDOT,, Lower Makefield Citizens’ Traffic Commission, The LYFT Prevention Coalition of United Way of Bucks County, St. Mary Medical Center, Bucks County Safe Kids and the Anapol Schwartz law firm. Read the article published in copied below. Click here to read the original article.

Joel Feldman lost his 21-year-old daughter Casey several years ago when a distracted driver fiddling with his GPS struck her in Ocean City, N.J.
Feldman, a lawyer and creator of, spoke Tuesday to Pennsbury High School students. He warned them about the dangers of distracted driving through demonstrations, facts, video and testimony from a trauma physician from St. Mary Medical Center and a Falls Township police officer.
“You have the power to save lives; you have the power to take lives,” Feldman told the audience of students.
Officer John Yeager said he’s seen plenty of serious accidents and sent a sobering message when he told the students he “picked up a lot of body parts.”
Tuesday was the second time Feldman spoke with Pennsbury High School Students this year. He previously came in fall and has spoken to about 2,400 of the high school’s 3,400 students, many just getting their licenses.

Yeager had students perform tasks with “drunk goggles” on. The demonstration showed the students how impairment made those tasks nearly impossible.
The problem of distracted driving isn’t unique to teenagers, Feldman said. He said adults are just as guilty and urged students to get their parents to put down their phones and pay attention to the road.
“I was a distracted driver until my daughter was killed by a distracted driver,” Feldman said. He noted he often would use his phone while driving and he likely still would if his daughter’s death wouldn’t have opened his eyes.
“Students are generally responsible and want to do the right things,” Tim Philpot, director of the LYFT Prevention Coalition, said. “The End Distracted Driving program that Mr. Feldman brings is a way for us to remind them that, to drive responsibly, they need to avoid common, but deadly distractions that might draw their attention away from the road.”

The event was sponsored by PennDOT,, Lower Makefield Citizens’ Traffic Commission, The LYFT Prevention Coalition of United Way of Bucks County, St. Mary Medical Center, Bucks County Safe Kids and the Anapol Schwartz law firm.

Credit: Tom Sofield/
Tom Sofield
Tom Sofield has covered news in Bucks County for three years for both newspaper and online publications. In 2012, Tom was honored at the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association Foundation’s Keystone Press Awards for his coverage of President Obama’s visit to Falls Township in 2011. When he’s not covering news in the area, Tom enjoys checking out the newest restaurants and bars, exploring forgotten places of industry in the area, going to local parks and spending time with his friends and family. If there’s one thing you should know about Tom, he is a local news junkie through and through. Email: [email protected] Phone: 215-431-1001