Your Donation Will Help Us End Distracted Driving

Distracted Driving is an epidemic. Every time we drive, we see drivers who are more focused on their phones than the road. But, at EndDD we are optimistic that we can change driving behaviors. Why? Because of our past and continuing successes.

Help us change the culture so that distracted driving, just like drunk driving, will be socially unacceptable.

Over 90% of our expenditures go directly to our programs.

Your Donation

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Your contribution to will be made through The Casey Feldman Memorial Foundation, and used in our distracted driving programs. The Casey Feldman Foundation is a Pennsylvania nonprofit foundation that has been granted tax exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Distracted driving crashes kill nine and injure more than 1,000 of us each and every day in the United States.

With your help, we are making a difference.

Your donation have allowed us to:

  • Present to more than 25,000 students each year, and more than 525,000 since 2011, all without cost to schools;
  • Develop teen distracted driving presentations that in 2022 the US DOT found were effective in changing driver attitudes and behaviors;
  • Present to more than 35,000 adults at businesses, safety conferences and community events;
  • The first-of-their-kind elementary school distracted driving lesson plans and a K-2 distracted driving picture book;
  • Help employers adopt driving policies to keep their employees safe; and

We have much more in store as we are committed to ending distracted driving.

Casey Feldman Foundation/ Tax Returns(Form 990):