Just What We Needed to Hear on the 8th Anniversary of Casey’s Death
“I know that today is the 8th anniversary of Casey’s death; my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family today.”
“I know that today is the 8th anniversary of Casey’s death; my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family today.”
Published in Wicked Local-Medford, Posted Jan. 29, 2015 @ 1:50 pm The Massachusetts Academy of Trial Attorneys (MATA) brought its “End Distracted Driving” (EDD) [EndDD] program to Medford High School on Wednesday, Jan. 7. The program is headed by MATA President Charlotte E. Glinka and Philadelphia Attorney Joel Feldman, who created the EDD
“What you had said has stuck with me to this moment, and likely would for a lifetime. What you have said I will carry on to my parents, to myself, and to my younger brother. I will be getting my license very soon, and I plan to always keep my phone [….]
“I wasn’t texting, I wasn’t using my cell phone, but I still killed someone”, says 17 year old Kate McGuire in the new PSA video produced by Casey’s father, Joel Feldman, now incorporated into the EndDD distracted driving presentation. This is one of the first distracted driving videos which features both the driver and the victim’s family. Kate, a senior in high school, describes how her selfish act killed a 61 year old man who was about to become a grandfather for the first time. Emily, the daughter of the man who was killed talks about how this senseless and preventable crash has affected her and her family.
The EndDD campaign has been taken to Massachusetts and kicked off at the State Capital in a press conference