Distracted driving has properly been called an “epidemic.” And this epidemic is worsening.
More than 8 people are killed and nearly 1000 injured every day in the U.S. in distracted driving crashes. Fatal crashes caused by distracted driving are increasing on a percentage basis faster than those caused by drunk driving, speeding and failing to wear seat belts. Our children are particularly vulnerable, with more than 50% of serious teen crashes now caused by distracted driving.
That is why it is so important to educate students about distracted driving. Our science-based high school presentation has been given to more than 525,000 students since 2011. In August of 2022 the U.S. DOT/NHTSA released a study which found the presentation to be effective in changing attitudes and behaviors. By joining our network of speakers you will be joining nearly 400 trial lawyers, nurses, physicians, injury prevention coordinators, teachers, college students, business professionals and law enforcement who are dedicated to keeping students safe. Presentations can be given in classes, i.e., driver’s ed or health, and assemblies. We are gratified by the praise that educators, researchers, law enforcement, businesses, adults and students give for the EndDD.org presentation. Our commitment to you, as a volunteer speaker, is to give you the best presentation and supplementary resources that we can and to make reaching out to schools to schedule presentations and giving presentations as easy as possible for you.
Everything you need to get started saving lives is on this page. If you have any questions please e-mail trial lawyer Joel Feldman, Esq., from Anapol Weiss in Philadelphia, at [email protected] Joel created this campaign in memory of his 21-year-old daughter Casey who was killed by a distracted driver in 2009.
Register to become a speaker. All speakers must be registered with the campaign prior to speaking. Even if you have previously registered as an EndDD speaker you must register specifically for this campaign. Trial lawyers please be sure to check the AAJ or State TLA box.
Our customizable materials make it easy to reach out to phys ed or health teachers, or school administrators, to schedule your presentations. These materials provide the information that schools need to evaluate before having you come in and speak with their students.
AAJ Distracted Driving Campaign Training Video
AAJ Sample Letter to Use When Reaching Out to Schools
Letter of Support from Cherry Creek High School
Letter of Support from Medford High School
Full 65 Minute PowerPoint Presentation
Below are additional campaign materials to help spread the message in your area!
Family Safe Driving Agreement: Your audience can use this handout to reinforce the presentation and start a safe driving conversation with parents, family members and friends.
Help us celebrate your efforts to End Distracted Driving! Register your completed talk here, estimating your audience size, so we can track the reach of the EndDD Teen Distracted Driving Initiative.